Saturday, January 31, 2009


It was hard yakka labouring for Labor
for thirty years or more
handing out how-to-votes and erecting signs
since Bass Hill for Paul Keating all those years ago
Determined to see the party govern
after arriving in Queensland in 1976
embroiled in the pangs of labor
booth captain at Capalaba, learning new tricks
But the cabals, apparatchiks and factions
dimmed the light in our soul
for Labor in government in '89 was ...
stolid, near-neanderthal but never bold
The party machine ha's and hum's
'Popular Pete' is all the cry
but like the bush and its diminishing returns
Labor is surely drinking it's well-spring of popularity dry
But there's the rub ..... does anyone care?
they're seduced by the games at the big-end of town
busy hacking out positions from the body-politic
for temporary gain while bringing Labor down
IT'S TIME ... to move on with family and friends
into the fold of a different scene
for years we'd believed in the light on the hill but now
I'm blue, I'm seeing red so I'm turning green


BoguszBlog said...

BERNIE, you've been hinting for some time on your disappointment to modern Labour. This piece now confirms it. I never thought you'd stray. Going "green" in every sense of the word is a bold move - well done!!! How does Pauline feel?

bernie said...

Senescence will do it everytime, Fred.

But, it's the proverbial straw and ... the lack of response from Ministers to my letters which I believe are constructive and target the long-term future of this State. They really don't listen to the people that elect them. So, I'll go to work for the Greens in any way they want help and not just at elections.

Dunno whether Paul will do ditto. I suspect she may.