Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I've seen the family photos of the first BL
a mystery man from history that photos just can't tell
my grandma was his widow, my father was his son
the stories about him ... he sounds like a son-of-a-gun

Some of them apocryphal about how he made his pile
legendary tales abound, none committed to pen or file
memories of the man recount how he rose and fell
like trying to hold on to mercury ... that's the first BL

They say he was mercurial like that Roman God
eloquent, a newshound,,he wasn't strange or odd
a horticultural man, he made his mark upon the land
and enterprising contrarian, a man considered grand

We're told he loved his whisky, a cigar and his cards
enjoyed a game and a bet with his card-playing pards
high up in the cupola, having meals dumb-waitered to them
in the White House he'd built where he'd moved from the Log Cabin

Now, I've heard the occasional story from Dad, the second BL
I sensed a reserve between them but for sure I couldn't tell
like the sun and the moon, had they been locked into a pugilist's dance?
or were they both in harmony? ... in apposition and concordance?

My brothers and I have this legacy from both of those BLs
gardening is my thing, ditto for Dave and John as well
Rog is showing some promise with salads, herbs and other plantings
my sisters ... 'nuff said ... to them growing things are like alien landings

Mortality beckons me as I ruminate about that first BL
Nannan and he broke down barriers, told 'em all to go to hell
Pauline says I'm my fathers son, growing old like the second BL
I'd like to think I'm much like them but I didn't know the first BL


Pauline Darby said...

good one Bee

BoguszBlog said...

Bernie - A great reflection and tribute to your father and gandad. Have posted one of my own.