Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I arrived in Oz in the penultimate year of the sixties
at a time when man was exploring our galaxy, landing on the moon
a time when people were physically involved in their world
where virtual reality was unreal or unheard of
but the past is another place ....
This was a time when Australians were still Australians
rather than merely Americans 
who happen to have been born on the wrong side of the Pacific
and therefore have all their faults without any of their virtues
but the past is another place ....
It was a time for truth rather than ephemisms
before our vocabulary was hijacked by the artistry of wank-words
and acronyms spewed forth from mouths in vile bureaucratese
which defeated the purpose of the message being delivered to the people
it was a time when people spoke civilly to each other
acknowledged and respected one another as the young did then
but the past is another place ....
on your birthday or at Christmas you received a few treasured gifts
and when 12 years of schooling finally ended you didn't do 'schoolies'
instead you looked forward to finding a job or university
and saved like mad for a car or for an overseas holiday
lived at home until you earned enough dough to get a place of your own
or shared a place with others like-minded, enjoying your individuality
but the past is another place ....
A celebration meant something then, now we even 'celebrate' death
everything's 'win-win', even the 7 year old who came last gets an award
what are we celebrating? Mediocrity? Self-centredness?
today tenants have more rights than landlords who provided them a place to live
but that's "cewl"as the young would vacuously exclaim today
middle-class welfare? Hell, you were on the dole or on compo if you couldn't work
we were more of an egalitarian society then
there was a small rich class and the rest of us packed a work ethic in our lunchbox ...
when we set off for work 
but the past is another place ...
Give the financial lenders their due then, you got bugger-all credit
and only after the most stringent checks that tested your capacity to pay
you didn't spend more than you earned, a simple rule of thumb
simple basic tenets that paid dividends in life, much later
But the past is another place ....
Now current generations despise us, envy us and cry 'you had it easy'
without taking the mote or three out of their eyes
instead of perhaps thanking us for our foresight, our caution, our prescience
unequivocally, I declare that I do not hanker for it
but the past is another place and they do things differently there

1 comment:

BoguszBlog said...

Bernie, another fine piece of prose with sentiments well expressed. I like your style.

I accept that the theme you had in mind was to compare the past with the future and you chose the negativity of today compared to the past, and with the phrase "the past is another place" repeating itself, it has the feel of a lament and on that level it works.

And I agree, the past is another place. And is the tenant of this phrase an acceptance that nothing remains the same? Change is inevitable!

But as I once "blogged" myself - nothing is either good or bad, it's our thinking that makes it so.
I'm sure Bernie, you could find just as many redeeming qualities to write about today's society as well ... There you go, I've issued a challenge.