Friday, March 20, 2009


For some, the land of the long weekend was always a myth
Antartic scientists, cops, bartenders, airport staff, nurses, farmers ..
power station operators, bus drivers even diligent burglars
they carried on working while the rest of us didn't
Around 4 pm on Fridays, we said "TGIF" and we were gone ...
to our families, the pub, the surf, dancing or the races
many of us to debauch ourselves on Saturday or Sunday
and if we were crook later, we'd chuck a sickie on Monday

Good times. What happened? When did weekends cease to be?
Oh! It's there on your IPhone or blueberry or raspberry or whatever
but once upon a time the country stopped and had a rest
factory stacks ceased belching sulphur dioxide or particulates
buses, trucks and cars took their commuters home to rest, too
shops shut, cities and towns emptied of human activity
we went home, closed the gate and the front door
and took up residence in our backyards or our gardens
or lazed by the pool or enjoyed a barbie with family or mates
we might venture out in the world to visit relos or friends 
have a picnic in the park or the beach or do nothing and read papers

"Time Off" as we called it before it became "Leisure Time"
it didn't require us to spend money to entertain or distract ourselves
market forces unleashed in 1983 (ironically by a Labor Government)
decreed that these two "do-nothing days" was extravagant ...
it dragged down productivity and wasted our precious time
so time had to be allocated, specifically measured
after all, everyone needs leisure time or they get burned out
but like the classic thing edge of the wedge ... why stop there?
why the arbitrary predetermined couple of days of loafing?
"flexibility" was the new wankword and it was on for young and old
technologies busted old rigidities, time and space collapsed
we could no longer afford to take time off ... for everything changed
and industrial relations became as casual as sexual relations

The more we increased out productivity (longer hours at work)
the less time for buying the basics like food for sustenance ...
so we added shop assistants to the list of "must work anytime" people
shopping mania (therapy mingled with unlimited shopping)
not satisfied with Saturday, we wanted and got Sunday but ..
where would we eat and entertain ourselves while we were shopping ?

Soon dead hearts of cities teemed with life seven days a week
we liked it so much that when the sharp developers came to town
we went back to town ... to live in fancy "inner-city apartments"
back to the concrete and steel boxes for we loved ...
the idea of never stopping, never sleeping, never having to wait ...
for a single bloody thing

Are we poorer for it" Nah, not materially of course
we are wealthier than we've ever been or so we're told
do you miss the weekend? Even if you remember it?
that still, quiet long suspended moment that stretched away 
from Saturday to Monday morning .... when the alarm went off
and we would throw ourselves back into the fray once more
refreshed and rejuvenated

1 comment:

BoguszBlog said...

How true Bernie. The nostalgia of those times - the unfettered weekend - stirred many memories. Unfortunately time rarely reverses itself. Me thinks the weekend as we old farts remembered it, will never be again. Strangely enough, what you never had, can't be missed, so our children simply accept the status quo.