Wednesday, March 18, 2009


There was a disproportionate and huge hooha
about the oil spill on the beach at Marcoola
in people's minds it seemed a big disaster
fiction overwhelmed fact, rumours ran thicker and faster
people over-reacting, a malaise of the times
extravagant statements made about compulsory fines
greenies, tour operators, resort manager all crying out
the loss of lucre was what the fuss was about
a mother even left her kids in the car, A/C and engine going ....
purportedly to save a turtle from the tarry tide incoming
locals who claimed residence vied for time on the media
professing shock and loss during the time they'd (supposedly) been here
the Opposition shamelessly exploited the sticky situation
blaming the Government for its lack of planning and action
State, Federal and Local bodies after some initial obfuscation
devised and implemented a plan that worked to perfection
but what of the facts of this teacup that created such a storm?
let the truth inconvenience a story? Nah, that's not today's norm
the commercials must have their breathless six o'clock pap
rubber-neckers need their 15 minute fix, the silly saps
the flora and fauna suffered hideously ... I hear you ask?
nothing untoward had occurred as the men went about their task
three days on and this beach looks clean, crisp and pristine
hard to believe that an 'oil spill' contrived such a scene
everyone's onto something else, the media's long gone
the dogs are barking but the caravan moves on .....

1 comment:

BoguszBlog said...

Spot on Bernie. There is an expression we use - give me the good oil - we use it to when we want to hear the positive side, and not dwell on the negatives. Perhaps a little more of the "Good Oil" from some of our politically biased pollies would have helped to enhance their "crude" image.