Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Facebook .. on the face of it another great communication tool. Initially latched onto by the young as all fads inevitably are, osmosis-like it sinks its insidious hooks into the concupiscent not-so-young, there to remain long after it has ceased to be a fad for the young ... who have embraced the next fad that emanated from the febrile, mercantile imagination of another shrewd entrepreneur. Get off your apolaustic appaloosa I hear you say?

Let's face it. Facebook (FB) is a thief of time, up there with the maestro of thieves of time ... TV. Call me a recalcitrant Luddite or a boring old fluff for I've only heard of this latest scourge from others and seen it but once, only to wonder in wonder that one can "friend" somebody, anybody based on a real or perceived affinity. FB's yet another site to share your most intimate or inane thoughts or photos or menus or disorders or bodily functions with other facetoids who have nothing much to do like you. Perhaps to be embarrassed later on by Face-disclosures by disgruntled Face-totalisators?

Face it fair and square for within days of your Facebirth, you will have generated perhaps hundreds of Facefriends with facefaces. Like porn, you get to figuratively take off your identity and abase yourself in public, a public that's increasingly inured to debasement of oneself or others. There's the horrible stories of the bloke instead of cleaving to his wife for life actually cleaving his wife to death for changing her FB status to single or anorexics showing each other new ways to purge themselves or young thugs gate-crashing .... you get the picture? You don't? Just get on FB and it's revealed in all it's horrible vacuity.

To face it mildly, FB brings out the voyeur in us. It's like a reality-show star's unquenchable thirst for revealing every detail of their life in minutia, no matter how unexceptionally boring, excruciating or stultifying. On FB, you are convinced that everything you do in life must be inherently and absorbingly interesting enough to alert every faceghoul to its importance.

Updates are the go ... Symantha is cooking cookies, Jaidon is going to footy practice this arvo, Kylah-Leaeane is glad its the weekend, Braith is going to raid the icebox and Rybekkah ... is gonna do a great doo-do rightaway. You get my drift ..... 

Having been exposed to the wonderful world of FB aka Fu^%$%^ Bull$&*^, I'll get back to the other world of email that's mostly devoid of pretenders or poseurs. I prefer to trade insults or stories on the basis that I (generally) know the recipients and accept their reciprocation in good humour. 


BoguszBlog said...

Good one Bernie. Each line a laugh from the master "larrikin" of language. The FB is nothing but a frivolous robber of time.

These initials, that regretablely mock my own name, also highlights the Feather Brains that indulge in it.


bernie said...

Hey Fred! Trust you to observe things from a different angle. Never occurred to me that FB was (or is it 'were') your initials?