a man of many a colour
an artist, a writer, a raconteur, a participant
an optimist, not a dolour
He's had the odd struggle or ten
life's googlies he's played with a straight bat
loves a yak or yarn or a discourse about anything
from global cooling to Cocos Island to dogs or cats
We've known him and Fleur since Banks St days
our boys linking us to friendship firm and fine
spent many a day in their colourful company since
cards or board-games ... tea and sympathy anytime
He's a relaxed man in tune with his circumstance
unafraid to express an opinion, he won't be led
always worth a visit just for the entertainment
a ripper of a bloke that's our Fred
Sixty today ... strewth! He's like a long-distance runner
I bet he never thought he'd live to see the day
tempus sure fugits Fred, we're glad to be with you
what more can we say but ... Happy Birthday
Ooh shucks . . . you're a great bloke too Bernie.
Of course it's all true. But please explain this line:
"tempus sure fugits Fred" What language are you speaking here.
Latin for 'time flies' ... as in time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana.
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