Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The rolling downs of New England have seldom looked more glorious
to my memory the last time it was so verdant was 1997
I can't say what the district looks like south of Armidale
I'd hazard it's as healthy .... a farmers idea of Heaven
There are so many bodies of water, ensconced in twinkling dams
I can't recall from many years travel along the New England highway
from the Warwick Plains to the Granite Belt and beyond
grasses thick and green, trap the wind and sway
And, cattle grazing, udders replete with the milk of kindness ...
of the variety that builds a nation and its people's health
It's a sweet stirring sight for anyone with an inkling 
of struggle with droughts and creating a commonwealth
The pipeline of towns that comprise the Fruit Belt
from Dalveen to Applethorpe to Wallangarra on the border
are resplendent in new clothes of painted fruit barns and wineries
attractive and beckoning to tourist and traveller
Tenterfield and Glen Innes looked invigorated on a day that was serene
(I thought for a moment that the Guyra meat works were killing and alive) 
Armidale was riotous in agapanthus, daisy, rose and dahlia
and a warm welcome from Des to end this country drive

1 comment:

BoguszBlog said...

Bernie, oh what a lovely picture you painted. The transformation must have really caught your imagination to pen such bucolic beauty.

Some great metaphors, with this one toping the list: grasses thick and green, trap the wind and sway.
Love that image "trap the wind"

Great stuff mate.