Thursday, January 1, 2009


Isn't it one of life's supreme ironies
that the people who are paid the most
and endowed with the perks of the job
are the one's required to expend the least?
Directors, Chief Execs, Presidents, Chairmen
very few of them altruists in truth
many obscenely remunerated or in sinecures
courtesy of the old school tie, a club or by birth
And what of those paid the least?
truckies, nurses, check-out people, scientists
teachers, garbage-men, car assemblers all working Dickensian hours
no lurks, perks, tax-write downs .. there's the twist
Ford's wage-earners can't have a $20 rise but ...
The head sharang Jacques Nasser is forced to take a $19 million salary
shelf-stackers, bus drivers, petrol station hands get bugger-all
while Mr Eck at Coles get's a $4 million bonus as the top canary
There must be a moral to all this irony
share-holders, apparently, have lost the plot 
or so the talking-heads, grifters, suits or carpet-strollers would have us believe
their copy-books have absolutely no blot
In our ignorance we condone or help perpetuate
a system iniquitous and blatantly unfair
for there aren't too many of us with our snouts in the trough
why, even the pigs are flying .. they've left in despair

1 comment:

BoguszBlog said...

Bernie I note this was writ in 2001. In a similar vain to THE BOARDROOM BLUNDERER which is more recent. Both succinctly express your passion for the topic.
Well done.

Whenever I find a word I'm not familiar with curiosity has me searching the dictionary - sharang - sorry, could not find it. Bernie I would appreciate a meaning