Sunday, December 28, 2008


They've been married over sixty five years
their spirits remain unbroken
lately life has thrown them some mean breaks
their love remains unshaken
Harry is her bulwark against the buffets of the future
and cares for her without condition
Pix gives him the will  to go on
she's with him to and from perdition
Like scones and cream they go together, together
their lives being entwined
Pix depends more on Harry these days
to Harry she is love defined
Six decades or more since they were wed
experienced highs and lows
their humour, fidelity and values intact
honouring their wedding vows
My fortune in being their friend began recently
when we met out in the sticks
I've thought long and often .. could I be like Harry
if you were my Pix?


BoguszBlog said...

BERNIE. I take it this is about your friends up at Kingaroy. I like the pun that sums up the sentiment of the verse: could I be like Harry if you were my Pix? It leaves us asking the question.. could you? Is this deliberate to evoke a response. Are you doubting your own commitments, or am I reading to much into it. It's a haunting lingering line.

I'm a littler lost as to why you chose the line: she's with him to and from perdition. Seems a little harsh, after all 'perdition' as I understand it's meaning is the loss of one's soul or spiritual ruin and damnation.
Perhaps you can explain.

bernie said...

I was using a bit of licence with the 'perdition' line .. my meaning is that while their life together on earth seems long in our concept of time, they'll be forever together in eternal death. Like the sun and the moon on some early summer mornings, dancing at opposing ends of the sky in apposition and concordance, there are couples like Harry and Pix who are synonymous with eternal life and death.

Could I be a Bernie to Pauline? I hope so. I love the girl and that's that.